Thursday, December 15, 2005

Clooney: "I knew it then and I don’t have national security clearance."

I love George Clooney.

I love George Clooney because he's smart, he understands what's really going on in the world, and he's genuinely talented.

I love him because he's more clearly articulated what's frustrating me about U.S. Senate Democrats than I could myself.

Go see SYRIANA and GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK, if you haven't already. I saw both on their opening nights in DC. Both are tremendous in their own right, with interesting depictions of issues facing our nation today: freedom of speech vs. fear-filled demagoguing for the later and the connections within oil & corporate influence on world affairs for the former.

The quality of Clooney's performances, writing, directing, and overall career choices of late should garner him a statue or two this awards season. He's already received three Golden Globe nominations, one for acting in SYRIANA, and two for directing and writing GOOD NIGHT - much deserved. Sounds good too that he only made $2.00 for Good Night, and Good Luck, according to the London Times, and only $250,000 for Syriana. He boasts that money isn't the reason he makes decisions anymore - how endearing is that to my bleeding-heart?

Clooney never needed to do anything but be himself to win my support and accolades. His ability to bring lots of stars together to raise money for the 911 and tsunami victims, along with his championing the One Campaign alongside arch-Christian-Conservative Pat Robertson, prove he's a solid, quality man through and through. His appearance on Oprah was simply charming.

I love it that Clooney wears his liberalism as if it's a bumper-sticker across his forehead. As someone personally attacked as a "liberal" - as if it's negative! - by various politicos over my years on the campaign trail, I am glad he helps us reclaim the honor in the title.

Some may
question why actors get media coverage for political commentary. They are Americans, and questioning their right to speak out is pure crap.
Clooney's message is proof that he can articulate his liberal agenda better than anybody here in DC. The Advocate, one of the nation's leading gay publications, features Clooney in a fascinating cover story, as another example.

I hope he gets to make many acceptance speeches this coming awards season, because he deserves the honors and what he'll say is worthyof a listen.

Total digression: I love him because he's a fellow Kentuckian, Cincy Reds fan, and his father, Nick, should have been elected the Congressman from the 4th District (he got my largest donation ever) to succeed my former boss, Ken Lucas.

I forgot another reason I think George Clooney is such a great person... a few months ago he announed he was one of four people opening a new condo and hotel complex in Las Vegas, NV:

It was said elsewhere that 25% of the profits from this venture would go to aid the One Campaign's efforts to end extreme world poverty.

Nothing was made of the fact that Clooney - one of four investors - might actually be turning over all of his part of the proceeds to the One Campaign, and actually be gaining very little financial rewards personally compared to what he could earn.

What a good person he is. He doesn't do it to be more famous. He's doing what alot of my friends and I would do - use what we have for some good, because we notice there's alot more to the world than ourselves. That we can do our part.

I am impressed with anyone who could be selfish (like Wal-Mart's Walton family) but decides to give alot away.

But George Clooney's generousity shines brightly from Hollywood, and I applaud him for using his fame for the good of others.
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