Monday, December 19, 2005

It's Not Paranoia If They Really Are Out To Get You

Bubble-boy Bush just isn't getting it yet, is he. Boldy admitting he authorized phone tapping without warrants. Well, calling all civil-libertarians! He is taping the phones of Americans without a warrant, and surely this isn't legal.

I was liking the bad press that Bush has been getting, as he's finally getting the scrutiny he's deserved for years. But now it's getting creepier and creepier. I am astounded that the Bush Administration still believes that if it says something strongly enough, and frequently enough, that they are going to get away with what they want and how they want it.

Much of the "new press" coverage on Bush's failures isn't so new to me - like these sentiments: torture is bad; the war should be stopped; Bush ignores the poor (thanks, Hurricane Katrina debates); and, my favorite reverse Robbin Hood - the Bush economy favors the rich. But this phone-tapping thing? This is different, freaky and new!

Direct phone tapping WITHOUT A WARRANT admission by Bush isn't some bold PR move, or a populist showing of strength on terror, it's just plain creepy. Good ole Orwellian, neo-totalitarian, creepiness.

If the world were a cocktail party, our country has become that creepy guy in the corner that all the women avoid for fear of being hit on. I want an un-creepy country. Daggumit, I want my country back from this neo-totalitarian Bush regime!

But how much creepier is it going to get with this President of ours? Stolen elections - got away with it. War on lies - got away with it. Rob from the poor to give to the rich - got away with it. Living in a self-contained bubble and ignoring reality - seemingly getting away with it. Indictments of chief of staff, investigations of leaders, scandals - might not get away with it, if we ever learn what he knew and when he knew it. When is he finally going to not get away with this, and when are we going to start seeing some serious investigations on this guy?

Our previous President was investigated to the tune of millions of dollars, thousands of inches of print columns, and all for something that should have been a private personal matter between his family.

Somebody with power and the legal authority has to be bold and stop the creepiness before anything else un-American happens in this country because of the Bush regime!

I don't want to live in a country that is hated world-wide, seen as a human rights offender, and viewed as forcing poor values on others.

I am deeply patriotic. This vision George Bush has is not the country I love! I love an America with freedoms, with a moral leg to stand on when it comes to human rights and treating our own citizens well.

I love your anagology about Bush being the creepy guy at the bar! That is so true, and yet he is also like Vince Vaughn's character in the movie "Clay Pigeons"--getting away with murder and somehow eluding his come uppance at every turn. Has anyone read Jimmy Carter's new book, "Our Endangered Values"? I think it really speaks to some of the issues raised by Kris.
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